Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I decided to post this after reading about this sweet young family (thanks to Abby).  This is just what I needed.  I am always in such a big hurry and I really don't know why.   I am always pushing Devarian along to do things quicker.  This video has made me think twice, big time.  I am going to try my HARDEST to take life slower.  Enjoy the little moments that I so often try to rush, like getting my children dressed, brushing teeth, feeding them (which is one of the things I always try to rush but now that I think about it... Why?  Why not enjoy that time when I am having to tell my 4 year old to take bite after bite and sometimes being at the table for over an hour.  So what!), bath time, etc.  This young family recently lost their child.  She gives such good advice in her words while grieving her baby.  If you'd like to read her story, here it is...

P.S. I couldn't figure out how to put the video right on my blog.  If any of you know how please share.  Thanks!


  1. Holly, I should NOT have looked at that blog while at work!! I could not stop crying!!! Thank you for sharing that!

  2. I know. I cried and cried when I read her blog. Heartbreaking. But, also so inspiring! Send me an invite to your blog, Brenda.

  3. Time is on your side every second of every day that you have with your family!

  4. No invite necessary to view my blog. Here's the site. I am not the best at blogging, but I do what I can.
