Thursday, November 18, 2010

Relaxing, Fun? Yes, please!

Our sweet Vaeh turned 6 months old 11.14.10.

6 months is a big deal.

Her first meal, brown rice cereal.  Yum!

Tummy full, brother by her side... What could be better?
Cute stuff waiting for her doc appt.
16.5 lb (57%), 27.2" tall (93%), 16.9" head (67%).  Perfect.

Devarian, the photographer, had to take some pictures, too...
 I love the detail he captures. :)

(She had to get 4 shots, but her big brother held her hand through it all. He is the best!)

And... She is still a daddy's girl!

This IS the life.

 It was a special, fun & exciting weekend.

P.S. I will have her 6 month pic's back soon.  I saw a sneak peak and they are ADORABLE!


  1. I love the picture with the three of you. Its very cute!

  2. The pics at Jed's office are funny :) You are a great mom! We could all learn a lot from you. And your kids are so cute!
