Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"You don't need to focus on enjoying the food you eat, because food is fuel. Enjoy your life, your family and your friends."

I have officially gone vegan.  Yes, you heard me right, vegan.

Not only have I decided to take this big leap, but I have chosen to go whole foods vegan (meaning I will not be eating processed foods, processed sugars, white breads, white rice, very minimal and only certain oils, things like that)
I am excited, scared, nervous, happy, hopeful, frustrated, and well, the list could go on.

As some of you might know, my dearest mom is a vegan.  A whole foods, mainly raw, vegan.  She has been so for over 2 1/2 years.  She had many health issues (high blood pressure, eczema, etc.) that are now gone.  Yes, GONE.  She also "feels better than she did in her 20's" (she has also lost 45+ lbs and looks great.  sorry I am sharing your business on my blog, mom).
The following book is a great supporter of the whole foods vegan lifestyle and the health benefits it can offer.

 An amazing book.  If you have any interest or curiosity, you should read it.  

I have been struggling with painful joints for a long time now.  I have a knee that has been swollen and painful for years.  A month or two after Miss Nevaeh May was born, I have felt the worst I have in my whole life.  I have numerous swollen and painful joints (knees, neck, ankles, hands, etc.) very painful headaches, and I am in pretty much constant pain.  My immune system has been horrible with one sickness after another.  I have been to doctors that don't really care and just want to do blood test after blood test to diagnose me with something.  I always try to be happy and try not to complain.  But, I don't want to have to TRY so hard anymore.  I have gotten to the point where I am FED UP with feeling this way.
I finally met a doctor that suggested I try taking high fat proteins out of my diet (meats, eggs, dairy, etc.).  He said they can cause arthritis symptoms when we have strong allergies to them.  He tested me and sure enough, that is what I have!
I am ready for a change!

So, November 12th, 2010, is my day of change.
I truly believe that changing the way I eat, I can make myself feel better.  I feel like I have seen and heard miracles from people that eat this way.

 I just want to feel better.  I want to enjoy my family more.  I want to be a better mother and wife.  My aches and pains hold me back from these things in a lot of ways.  All I ask of you, is to support me.  You DO NOT need to cater to me.  You can still invite me over, even if you are making something I can't eat.  You can still invite me out to eat, even if you think I can't eat anything at the place you are going (you'd be surprised).  I am much more interested in your company than what is on my plate.  I will eat what I can and I will survive.  Please, oh please, do not get offended if I will not eat something you have made.  It is not because I do not like it.  I just have chosen to change my diet, to feel better, and that is all.

My new "slogan" on life...

"You don't need to focus on enjoying the food you eat, because food is fuel.  Enjoy your life, your family and your friends."

That "slogan" is going to get me through this.  Even when I am starving and all that I can see is Mcd's! :)

Lot's of Love to you all!


  1. Dang MAMA! That is awesome. You have so much will power it is amazing to me!!! Good luck with it all. I can't wait to hear all about the transition and how you start feeling:)

  2. Good for you! I seriously look up to you for doing this. I have been a vegetarian for 2 years, even after adapting that diet I feel SOOO much better. Kudos for not eating processed food, it can be easy to reach for those processed soy "meats". Can't wait to hear how it goes, you will do great!

  3. Good luck! You will have to let me know how it goes. I too have severe body aches and pains (Chronic Migraines since Junior year). So I know how it feels to wake up in pain every day. GOod luck, you will be in my thoughts and my prayers that you will have the courage to keep going even when you feel like you can't go on. And feel free to share any good Vegan recipes with me that you might find. I like trying new things.
